Our App just evolved! Check out new updates that we launched!

We keep on moving forward!

We released our app around Christmas last year. A very proud moment for esagu since it’s one of the first Repricing Apps in the industry. Two months later, we have added new features and most of them are based on our customers’ feedback – which we always appreciate!

Since our HelpDesk tool is close to making an official appearance on the market, we are focused on implementing the features that will improve HelpDesk usability. From now on dealing with attachments in your messages will be way easier, as you can attach files (Android) and pictures (Android & iOS) to your messages. Additionally, you have attachment preview now (iOS) and you can download each attachment on your device (Android). Further, we sorted all messages by time and enabled option to set issue state from the App, which was only possible from Web before.

When it comes to Amazon & eBay repricing, we wanted to make sure that you use the App appropriately and prevent you from messing up your shop. That’s why, from now on you’ll see a warning whenever you make some changes and forget to click “save” button. Also, we prevented you from inputing fixed price outside of the price range that is already set (Fixed price must be between minimum price and maximum price). These were some of the most common suggestions that our customer gave us, so we added them as soon as we could! Other important addition is that you can copy to the clipboard SKU, Amazon ASIN or eBay Item ID via button, which will make searching for items faster.

In general, search window is no longer available in full screen mode on Android tablets. And Android start screen is adapted to avoid display glitches in the landscape format. If you you want to adjust display options, check out settings section.

So, check out our new updated App and let us know how you like it. We are waiting for your feedback!