eSagu RePricing for eBay - Value for money and worth its money
Our billing model
Fair - for both sides:
We only earn when you earn
In contrast to flat-rate payment models, which take money even if there is no success,
we have opted for what we consider to be the fairest and most partnership-based form of remuneration: remuneration according to success.
This means that we are only successful if you are successful.
That certain something
Data security as standard
eSagu RePricing for eBay runs entirely on servers located in Germany and therefore meets the strict requirements of the legislator in all matters of data security.
RePricing for eBay Pricelist
3 Month
Contract duration
beginning at £ 0.09
per sold item
- £ 0.29 0 - 500 Items
- £ 0.24 501 - 1,000 Items
- £ 0.19 1,001 - 1,500 Items
- £ 0.09 1,501 + Items
- £ 48.00 Min. compensation
Start your free trial now!
6 Month
Contract duration
beginning at £ 0.07
per sold item
- £ 0.27 0 - 500 Items
- £ 0.22 501 - 1,000 Items
- £ 0.17 1,001 - 1,500 Items
- £ 0.07 1,501 + Items
- £ 48.00 Min. compensation
Start your free trial now!
12 Month
Contract duration
beginning at £ 0.05
per sold item
- £ 0.25 0 - 500 Items
- £ 0.20 501 - 1,000 Items
- £ 0.15 1,001 - 1,500 Items
- £ 0.05 1,501 + Items
- £ 48.00 Min. compensation
Start your free trial now!
Price list for the eSagu price-optimization software on the eBay Marketplace, effective 10. October 2017. Prices excluding VAT.
Compensation examples
Example: Compensation for a 3-month contract period:
For 250 sold items on eBay.
250 x £ 0.29
= £ 72.50
Example: Compensation for a 6-month contract period:
For 1.250 sold items on eBay.
500 x £ 0.27
+ 500 x £ 0.22
+ 250 x £ 0.17
= £ 287.50
Example: Compensation for a 12-month contract period:
For 2.250 sold items on eBay.
500 x £ 0.25
+ 500 x £ 0.20
+ 500 x £ 0.15
+ 250 x £ 0.05
= £ 337.50