New feature announcement: Amazon Price Limits

eSagu did it again!! Always working on making your life easier with new features.

Don't know how to handle you price limits on Amazon? No worries, we got you! With our "Special Amazon Feature", you can now deal with them headache-less with a simple click. You can choose out of theses 3 options:

DELETE PRICE LIMITS ON AMAZON: Don't want to risk you items getting deactivated? You can simply delete them and leave no room for mistakes.

DELETE BUSINESS PRICES ON AMAZON: You can also delete your Business prices from Amazon. So you can use our Business Price feature in peace.

USE ESAGU MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM PRICES AS AMAZON PRICE LIMITS: You don't want to remove your Price limits from Amazon? Then, let's update them!!

Don't hesitate to use it and let us now which feature you would like to have next.