Dashboard 2.0 - new Amzn Repricing Widgets

Introducing the new RePricing for Amazon Widgets!

Six months ago, we introduced our new Dashboard 2.0 and all the customized information that the system should display it for you.

Now, we introduce you the new RePricing for Amazon widgets:

  • Amzn - Top Competitors

List of top 10 competitors, which will help to concentrate on the most important individual competitors and adjust strategies accordingly.

  • Amzn - Account Settings, Amzn - EasyBox Settings, Amzn - Optimization Rules

These 3 widgets function as a counterpart to the improvement report. All the settings and rules you can see in the improvement report are now accessible in the form of a widget. For example, you can see if your Uploads/Downloads are disabled, how many articles have missing optimization rules, or how many easyBox slots are being used.

  • Amzn - Orders of the last 30 Days

This will create a cool looking heatmap showing the orders of the last 30 Days. You can quickly see from this which days of the week and times of day your sales take place.

Same as the other widgets, you can adjust the high and width of the new RePricing for Amazon widgets and reposition them as you like.

Feel free to try them out and give us your feedback. We will appreciate it!