A perfectly set up account is a good account. This is not just our opinion, but also most of our customers opinion.
Unfortunately, one occasionally loses the overview of what the perfect optimization lacks. Therefore, all customers now receive a monthly report by e-mail on the most important settings, values and rules for each service.
Now you can see immediately if you have for e.g. missing settings concerning your price rules, or if standard price intervals, shipping costs and exceptions are defined for MFN articles. You don't have to deal with complex terms or structures, because if all of your settings are already perfect, you will be able to see that in the report.
If you have any questions about the report, we are of course at your disposal. We are only a phone call or an e-mail away from you. Of course we are looking forward to your feedback.
Please note that our monthly report is still in beta status. Not for long, though.